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Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board

Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board


The Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board (MHRAB) is the central advisory board for historical records planning and for projects relating to historical records developed and carried out within the state of Missouri. The MHRAB provides state-level appraisal of grant proposals submitted to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) by Missouri repositories and serves as the review and award panel for grant applications submitted to the Missouri Historical Records Grant Program and the Local Records Preservation Grant Program. In addition, the MHRAB maintains an online directory of Missouri’s historical records repositories. The board is governed by state statute (RSMo 109.221) and consists of eight members – seven appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, in addition to the executive director of the State Historical Society of Missouri. The secretary of state holds the position of state historical records coordinator and chairs the board, with the assistance of the state archivist, who serves as deputy coordinator. Federal regulations require board members to have experience and interest in the collection, administration and use of historical records and a dedication to the preservation and access of Missouri's documentary heritage. Over the years, archivists, curators, records managers, legislators, librarians and family historians have served on the MHRAB.

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